NYMA makeup classes 2018-Shizuka Ito



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One Response to annalise_1213small

  1. LINDA VICTOR says:

    Love your work!!! I miss your gallery!! Your makeup is the best of all no one can compare to you miss your makeup and brushes can I order them on line??? Please let me know your makeup and brushes are still the top of the line with the the colors and the brushes serm like the ones they used to make with sable and the shape is perfect Im sorry to say the brushes they make now are xxxxx they don’t rven come close to the way your makeup brushes were perfect and perfect for all types of makeup art and your colors you had were awesome you can’t find anything that compares the staying power and colors no other makeup company can even come close between the brushes and makeup you have the perfect combination with fabiulous colors that apply with great staying power and the brushes apply the makeup perfectly the shapes are for the easiest but great application and of course your art alone is awesome your paintings are beautiful. Are u still living in New York City ??? A lot of people left and grew tired of the things that changed since COVID, and if you are still in NYC do you have another gallery for your art showings as well as makeup!!! If you left or still here can you let me know if you still have sell makeup and your brushes as well as your art I know there are on line galleries but to me there not the same as seeing art in person but you I do know your work and would order some of the makeup and brushes plus your artistic compacts with paintings on them please send me an e mail to let me know what your up to and if I can order some things I miss from visiting your gallery on Grand Steeet but like everything in NYC has changed alot esp in the art locations my email is Linalexi@aol.com. As of now I’m still in NYC but I never know it’s a day at a time especially now. Please keep me updated with your art and makeup and keep in touch. Have a great Holiday and the best New Year I truly believe that Love to you Linda Victor my phone no is the same 646-709-2195. That’s about the only thing that stays stable as far moving again only time will tell All the best Linda

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