Monthly Archives: May 2015

A trip down Memory Lane:-“A Day at The Beach” Part 2:-

For the show at NGC. I  decided on the theme of Sandcastles, hoping to have the space for a large round Sandcastle made out of glass, a piece that would make the children stare in awe and wonder and dream … Continue reading

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Come visit me:- “A Day At The Beach” Part 1

Everyone asks me what I am doing these days and I must admit I’m having fun. Doing an assortment of things with a variety of different groups of people. I shall be doing a few posts to try to explain … Continue reading

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IBF-The New York Makeup Academy of Japan

Since 2002 The New York Makeup Academy of Japan has brought students to visit me for their MasterClass. A series of unfortunate events led them  not to come since  Hurricane Sandy. However I welcomed four of their extremely talented student  … Continue reading

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Thankyou “On Makeup”

Michael and James of On Makeup Magazine asked Daisy and I to collaborate on a spread for their magazine. so Daisy wrote a piece inspired by one of my paintings. I always loved my daughters poetry and other pieces she wrote as a … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Books, Makeup, Moms, Press, Special Occasions | Leave a comment

An idea for this evening:-Support a worthy event

For those of you who are out and about tonight or just looking for an idea for  something to do. Go to Art Strut’s event from 7-10,. My daughter Daisy will by there with a selection of my Artwork, some of her … Continue reading

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Team Work

While living in Paris in the 70’s and early 80’s I worked often in Germany . When I moved here from Paris in the early 80’s. The photographer Helmut Hoffmann  flew me back to Dusseldorf to work with him for a few days … Continue reading

Posted in About, Art, Fashion, Makeup, Models | 1 Comment