Category Archives: Fashion

Medieval Makeup

When giving a seminar I think of a trend that I can use as inspiration.  So for my Cuore seminar this week. I  first did a very natural makeup airbrushing on a mix of Temptu pink and orange to make the coral which is … Continue reading

Posted in About, Applications, Art, Classes, Fashion, Freestyle, Makeup, Makeup Artist, Models, Press | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

@macpro @maripolara Photoshoot. Preparing Daisy

Curated like a great Artshow where each piece reenforces the other one.  Maripol and Mac Pro’s vision of my work together with that of 7 other makeup artists was refreshing and different and I absolutely loved the  mix of the short movie … Continue reading

Posted in Applications, Art, Fashion, Hair color, Makeup, Makeup Artist, Models, Special Occasions | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

“Doing our thing” Do we ever stop being Intimidated?

As most of you know there was a time when I did makeup everyday, all day. Some very creative jobs, others not so interesting creatively but interesting in other ways, the team of people working on them, maybe the dynamics … Continue reading

Posted in About, Applications, Art, Fashion, Hair color, Makeup, Makeup Artist, Models, Special Occasions, Supermodels, Tips | Leave a comment

Model Anelisa, makeup artist Harumi Honda

All of the students who take my classes have very interesting stories and very different reasons for taking the class. Harumi Honda in this photo is 4th generation of a family of Barbers in Japan.  Harumi is definitely making a difference … Continue reading

Posted in Classes, Fashion, Makeup, Makeup Artist, Models, Special Occasions, Supermodels | Leave a comment

A Conversation about haircolor

There are many questions that I have always wanted to ask my hairstylist but have not been able to when I am at the hair salon so I have invited my stylist Almog to my place to have this conversation. … Continue reading

Posted in Applications, Clients, Fashion, Hair color, Products, Special Occasions, Tips | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

  When I closed my Soho Boutique/Workshop in 2013. I thought for a moment that I would discontinue my makeup line and focus on my Art. Some wonderful art projects followed with hopefully many more ideas to be realized in the … Continue reading

Posted in About, Art, Fashion, gift, Makeup | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Pat Cleveland on the Streets of Williamsburgh

I think often about the past but not with sadness or regrets, just enjoying and reliving every fabulous moment in my memory. So how wonderful to be able to actualy relive in 2017 a moment from the 80’s thanks to Apple … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Fashion, History, Makeup Artist, Models, Special Occasions, Supermodels | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Yoga + Body Painting

I love the twists and turns of life and was impatient  when I was younger but have fortunately learned patience (proof that its never too late for anything) and to aknowledge that there is a time for everything. This Youtube video that … Continue reading

Posted in About, Fashion, Freestyle, Makeup, Makeup Artist, Special Occasions | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Makeup Classes

I enjoy teaching makeup and also taking the photos at the end of the classes as this enables me to see the progression and development of each artists individual style. IBF, NYMA of Japan have been a faithful client  for 15 … Continue reading

Posted in About, Classes, Clients, Fashion, Makeup, Makeup Artist, Models, Portfolio, Portraits | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Real Housewives of New York City

Portraits as opposed to photos are timeless. I love doing them be they mixed media like this one of Carole Radziwill   or a more classical portrait such as the acrylic on canvas I do of both children and adults   . … Continue reading

Posted in About, Art, Clients, Fashion, Freestyle, Makeup, Models, Portraits, The Real Housewives of New York | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments