Monthly Archives: January 2011

1920’s Makeup Demonstration Clip

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Our Intensive Makeup Artist Course: Day 3

Doesn’t Gaby look fabulous in the snow in front of the workshop after we had used her for our makeup demonstration.

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Our Intensive Makeup Artist Course Day: 2

Dana and her friends came to model for us at the Lip & Cheek class. Glimpse Laura’s great work on Dana

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Our Intensive Makeup Artist Course: Day 2

This was another makeup by Jenn for the Base & Eyes class on Day 2.

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Our Intensive Makeup Artist Course: Day 1

Well Jenn really did dive in the deep end. Look at this great day one makeup she did on Damaris. The week got off to a great start. This class was an inspiration class. The other students did well too.

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Makeup for Ageless Beauty

I am very excited, my advanced authors copy of my new book Makeup for Ageless Beauty arrived this week and every one who saw it wanted it! Now I have to plan a party and as soon as I get … Continue reading

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Our “Intensive” Makeup Artistry Course Begins on Sunday

Both Thalita and Laura are going to complete their internship with me by taking the “Intensive” along with my other students.  Thalita has been interning with me for 2 and a half years and Laura for 1 and a half … Continue reading

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Greta Garbo Makeup

Thalita didn’t do this intentionally, but when I took this picture everyone said she looked like Greta Garbo. It was the combination of the Ruby lipstick and the Driftwood blush she used under the cheekbone and on her eyelid then … Continue reading

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The Spectator

Last night I received in the mail The Spectator, the British version. Great magazine. But, somebody sent it to me from Belgium without a letter or anything so now I am totally confused, is there something about me in there?, … Continue reading

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Changing Your Foundation for a Different Climate

One of my regular clients came in today. How lucky, she was off to Thailand on vacation. I usually brighten her skin by mixing a very pale liquid base for her. But, as she was going to this warmer climate … Continue reading

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