Makeup Classes. Photoshoot.

Taylor_smBIBF New York Makeup Academy of Japan brings an advanced class of makeup students over to study with me once or twice a year. This is fun and an interesting experience for me as each student is such an individual, their personality shines through in their work. Each artist is from a different part of Japan and they did not know each other previously.

This July the classes took place in a studio adjoint  to  BBFL a beautiful shop and cafe at 300-302 7th street in Brooklyn. The shop sells  both Brooklyn and Japanese made products. We end the classes with a photoshoot for the Artists portfolios. Congratulations to the makeup artist Mirei Morita who did this great work on the model Taylor Williams. Almog did the hair. The dress is by Jane Wilson Marquis.

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2 Responses to Makeup Classes. Photoshoot.

  1. Linda Victor says:

    Hi Linda, It’s so great to see your still doing your makeup classes and paintings. Love ur work, but I still miss your makeup gallery, everytime I pass that block, I don’t even recognize it, and when your gallery was there that’s what Soho was about not glass high rises. Where are all the artists living and working these days? I still go to Manhattan but every time I come downtown I feel like I’m walking in a mall, where r the artists??? Miss You and your work and your makeup Luv u, Linda Victor 646-709-2195

  2. Linda Mason says:

    Hi Linda,
    Good to hear from you Linda. Its true the vibe has changed. I’ll call. xxx Linda

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