Spring Equinox

Its been quite a week. I won’t enter into all of the details but will mention my hard drive with all my artwork on being dropped and broken. I drowned my sorrows in the middle of the day with champagne at David Burke’s Kitchen. I was very lucky, they have a new barman , Kevin, he is a Stand up Comedian so he lifted my Spirits and sent me away laughing. I got back to work and am happy to say that we have still managed to have a very productive week. The Weddings page is up at www.lindamason.com with direct links to our new agency site www.lmeagency.com. My artists are very excited about this showcase for their work, the  exposure and  work opportunities that they will receive. Some of the Artists represented by lmeagency:- From left to right Kelly,Yael,Gaby,Laura and Thalita.

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