The Psychic

TheFortuneTeller_144This is a much loved mixed media piece from My Autobiographical collection “Visitors To The Sea Front” called ‘The Fortune Teller”. There are things  that one just never forgets. The part of the country I grew up in, the industrial North East of England was a place where reading of Tea Leaves and communicating with the Spirits was  common place. At the age of 11 or 12 a friend from school had a Fortune Teller visiting her home and she gathered a group of people together to consult with her. I was the first person to enter the room and the experience was etched in my mind. She just took something I had with me , held on to it and started talking. The most important thing she spoke to me about was my Guardian Angel who she described in great detail. When my mother visited New York she found a Psychic from the North of England here in New York, Paula Roberts, came back from a visit to her in awe, inviting her to my place for tea on a later visit. We became good friends.

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