Changing Your Makeup to Go with Your Hair

I’ve had an awful time these last days. Almog changed my hair color making it a much brighter orange than I normally have. My makeup no longer works and I’m quite desperate… The yellow eyeshadow on my eyes didn’t work anymore and the darker lipstick didn’t work either. I felt like plucking my eyebrows off, but Laura suggested that I go dark brown and wow it works, it looks great. With a bold hair color I suggest going more extreme with the brows, either much darker or take them off completely. Instead of wearing the bright orange I normally wear on my lips, I put it onto to my eyes. I haven’t been wearing blush for quite some time now, but I’ve used a coral to match my lip color which I liked then I added a touch of orange to it and changed my lip color to something a little deeper and more muted (lipstick Jane). I’m feeling better already!

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