A True Leo

The talented Social Media PR and founder of Izzi Bag, Anne Agoren came by and we had a great time playing with makeup. I used the Earth 2 liquid Base with a paler  earth concealer around her eyes and touches of Thumbelina cream base  for extra coverage on certain parts of the face and finished the complexion with  my great “OOM” translucent powder. She is a true Leo , vivacious, glamorous and fiery. So I stuck to the Leo Melody of colors. I blended a matte light shadow over the eyelids and  grey storm from the base of the upper lashes outwards towards the end of the brows. Because of Annes heavier lid I opted for my new Graffitigel liner in Moire, it won’t budge once it is applied and with this eye shape you have to be wary of smudging. Almost the most important point, I gave Anne eyebrows, delicately shaping them with a soft brow color Blondi.
For the lips in the softer look I  used Lipwand “Pop” and for the warmer makeup “Look”  the red hot lipcolor in the kit and warmed up the complexion with “OOM” bronzer.
Both these photos were taken in Daylight but as you can clearly see the one with the red lips was taken later in the day when the light was warmer.

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