A Mini Brushset

My clients have been asking me for some time now a small brush set  easy to travel with.  So I have made them this mini brush set of 7 essential brushes to make their life easier. I love to travel so this is really handy for me too. There is (from left to write) a firm Mini shadow in sable, my perfectly shaped eyeliner brush and an angular brow brush. My neon yellow blusher brush always had a short handle so it’s just the same as in my professional set. A curly lash/brow brush is next then a small eye shadow brush followed by the pink sable lip. The holder is no more than 7inches high and made of washable canvas so you can throw it in the wash when it starts to get grubby. A few months ago I mentioned my US Brush manufacturer FM Brush and how much I love working with them and visiting the factory. The brusholder  is also made in the US by another wonderful manufacturer but from further afield. For the moment I’m silk screening these by hand  so they are not perfect. Once I get lots of orders they will be done at a factory nearby…in Brooklyn. They  make  great gifts.  Until I have them on the site you can order them by phone or email me (you can get the info  on the site at www.lindamason.com). The retail price for each set will be $111 but for  my  returning clients there is a discount of 20% on the price for the near future.

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