Please save the afternoon of Sunday, August 9th to see Green:Inspired:Art’s latest “creative re-use of everyday thingsâ€: and visit the Lilac, a Lighthouse Tender launched in 1933:LILAC is berthed at Hudson River Park’s Pier 25 at West Street and N. Moore Street
Nearest subway stations are the Franklin Street stop on the 1 or Canal Street on the A/C/E (exit at Walker Street at south end). N. Moore Street is one block north of Franklin Street or a block south of Walker Street. Walk west on N. Moore to the pier.
The nearest bus route is the M20 which runs downtown with a stop at Varick and N. Moore Streets, two blocks inland.
Plastics and other disposables threaten our oceans and our environment. Meet the Artists that use them to create paintings, photography, collages installations and sculptures. I hope to see you there!