Intensive Two Day Makeup Class


Are they twins? Sisters? They are both Sarah. For this class Karina my student from Centro Khuyana in Chile did Sarah’s makeup on the left hand side then changed it  by darkening and enlarging the lips slightly and changing the lashes.  She  removed the long eyelashes, shortened them by cutting off 1/4″  from the outer corner where the hairs are longer, then reversing them (applying the lashes for the right eye to the left eye). This thickens the lashes and shortens the outward sweep giving a more natural appearance, she then  reapplied them.

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A Conversation about haircolor

There are many questions that I have always wanted to ask my hairstylist but have not been able to when I am at the hair salon so I have invited my stylist Almog to my place to have this conversation. Almog  used to do my hair and I realized how much difficulty I have actualy talking with him. Like many women  expressing myself as far as my  hair goes is not easy, especially after a certain age. We either have been with a stylist who sees us in one light and is terrified of offending us  or we are terrified of offending them. Going to see a new hairstylist is like committing adultery, infact worse, as it is more obvious that we have been unfaithful. I  tend to go on the missing list and try to figure some things out on my own which I have done this past year. Experimenting with Organic color at the request of my daughter and ending up using a combination of three colors from Herbatint after experimenting with each one individually. Now I am enlisting the help of Almog who has done such a great job on my hair in the past. I want his opinion ( which I respect very much) on the colors I have chosen and his help doing this in a more flattering way so that I can incorporate my grey without actually going grey which I do not want to do. The results of this conversation are not a miraculous change. That is not what I wanted. The resulting   brightness and mix of the colors has made me very happy but the distribution  of my  grey is not yet where I would like it to be with these results, so Almog and I will follow up on this conversation with a much shorter dialogue speaking about the experience and what we have both learnt and how we are going to perfect this growing in of some of the grey and how I can upkeep my hair so that I only need see him every 2 or 3 months.

Much Love to you all, Linda

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Happy New Year 2018


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RosepicofmeSmallWhen I closed my Soho Boutique/Workshop in 2013. I thought for a moment that I would discontinue my makeup line and focus on my Art. Some wonderful art projects followed with hopefully many more ideas to be realized in the future. However I felt a pang when my makeup clients were begging me for a makeup product of mine they could not replace and I took some of them shopping to try to find replacements.  I swore that I would never go back into the business without financing and a great team working alongside!
Never say never, thanks to a great friend Kevin who helped with my Website now exists making it much easier for customers old and new to make purchases. I discovered a limited supply of my signature metal compacts and  many of you really missed my concealers which are on the new site and also the hand made “OOM” compact with transluscent powder. Maybe those foundations you miss so much won’t take too long to materialize.

Thankyouto the Infamous Rose Hartman for this fabulous photo you shot of me over drinks during the summer.


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Pat Cleveland on the Streets of Williamsburgh




Thefirststrokethirdstrokefourth stroke GrandsonI think often about the past but not with sadness or regrets, just enjoying and reliving every fabulous moment in my memory. So how wonderful to be able to actualy relive in 2017 a moment from the 80’s thanks to Apple and an old friend Mark Bozek. Mark  called me and explained to me about this fabulous movie he had been able to make about Bill Cunningham  with old footage he had taken a few years before Bill’s passing and how there were to be some fun promotional events in the Apple Stores and would I come as my “old partners in crime”  Max Vadukul and Wendy Goodman would be participating along with the one and only Pat Cleveland . He  used Pat’s song “Tonight Josephine” as the music for “The Times of Bill”. I went along to the event and took a few colors and brushes and we were able to recreate a blast to the past on the streets of Williamsburgh. It was as much fun as ever with the same energy  from all the photos you can probably see on Instagram. My daughter documented the part I played. Here are the photos by Daisy Mason.
1. Going in for the Kill.
2.The colors I have decided to use .
3. Pink
4. Green
5. Pale yellow.
6. Another green stroke with Max documenting.
7. Packing up with my grandson watching.

Posted in Art, Fashion, History, Makeup Artist, Models, Special Occasions, Supermodels | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Yoga + Body Painting


I love the twists and turns of life and was impatient  when I was younger but have fortunately learned patience (proof that its never too late for anything) and to aknowledge that there is a time for everything. This Youtube video that a friend  Eddie Teboul made is proof of that
Eddie Teboul is  a very talented hairstylist whom I happened to know when he first started out in Paris  in the 80’s when  we worked together on the fashion shows of Rei Kawakubo (Comme Des Garcons) and Yojhi Yamamoto.  About  5 years ago  Eddie explained to me his passion for Yoga and how he had become a yoga teacher, he told me  about a beautiful dream he had of me painting him. I wanted to make this dream come alive so we arranged for him to come over to my studio at The Art of Beauty on Grand Street , where I was at the time, and spend a couple of hours together.

The  room was sparse and white there was  just a couple of my paintings. Eddie set up his Iphone camera on the floor. “Et voila” fast forward to today and this beautiful video he has made of our work together. The film has been made with such sensitivity I highly recommend it for not just yoga and makeup lovers but anyone interested in special moments. He commentates over the video and it was  touching to hear him talk about my method of painting as I  feel it is quite magical  but have difficulty decribing it myself. I just know that for each person I paint it is a very different individual experience. Thankyou Eddie for capturing this

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Makeup in a bag

Cynthia144combinedI have been working with The New York Makeup Academy of Japan since 2002. They hold a very special place in my heart and I thoroughly enjoy their visit and working with very different groups of equally talented Japanese makeup artists.  Every training session ends with a photo shoot and I have to continually think of new ideas so that I do not repeat myself. For the Classes I gave to them in the Temptu studio in June 2017 I found some paper shopping bags left over from my boutique The Art of Beauty by Linda Mason and painted these bags, cutting holes in the centre for the girls to look through. Here I digitally manipulated three different images of Cynthia combined. The makeup is by Yuiko.


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A Meryl Streep doppelgänger


Sarah144_1599Sarah144_1602Sarah144_1583Photos of the actress Sarah Villegas from the shoot with the visiting class of  Makeup Artists from The New York Makeup Academy of Japan, which was held at the Temptu Workshop in June of 2017.   Sarah has a striking resemblance to  Meryl Streep and a very expressive face. To my mind so important to a successful beauty shoot.  Makeup by Yukari.

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Makeup Classes


I enjoy teaching makeup and also taking the photos at the end of the classes as this enables me to see the progression and development of each artists individual style. IBF, NYMA of Japan have been a faithful client  for 15 yrs and each year is so very different and always lots of fun. We laugh now when we remember Hurricane Sandy and how we had to work in the dark and cold and the artists had no hot water for a shower. For the students it was not easy, for me it worked out fine, I am rather a fan of the unexpected and love to work in daylight. This is something I learned working on location on photoshoots, we had to adapt to lots of different situations as we had to come back with the photos. My beautiful nieces were visiting and were stuck in a hotel near the Art of Beauty vanessa_144_2518 so they modeled for us everyday with other young women from the neighborhood. The  interesting thing about the class that year was the fact that we had two students who were spoilt brats. This was very odd as always the Japanese students are truly wonderful, attentive , involved  enthusiastic and every other flattering adjective I can think of. They were meant to be here at that time for a life’s lesson and I hope that looking back they have come  to appreciate  it. Thinking about myself at their age (they were the youngest of the group) maybe I would have reacted as they did..maybe…maybe not. I shall never know.

These two photos of  the model Vanessa from Click agency were taken during the last class held at Temptu Studio’s . Her natural makeup and her more creative one. The hair is by Almog. Makeup by Atsuko.

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Shooting Photos for the Makeup Artist’s Portfolio

Sadaf_144_1365 Sadaf_144_2061 Dahlia_144_1220dahlia_144_2015Just before I left for vacation at the beginning of July I finished another truly wonderful class  for The New York Makeup Academy of Japan. We were  fortunate to have the use of the  classroom at Temptu which gave us the opportunity to play with their great products. We especially enjoyed working with  Temptu air with pod’s available in many shades including ones I tend to use often and have difficulty finding. Such as 01, a pale ivory, and good shades with yellow undertones, there is also a white with which I was able to make 01 even lighter. Bravo to all of the students, they were focused and talented,  their work at the final photoshoot was excellent.  These shown are the results of two of the students work. The instructions   for their first photos of Sadaf and Dahlia were “fresh and natural” . I was very happy with the results and how well they had understood what I wanted. Although I did discover that an excellent student who had trained with me a few years ago was now their instructor in Japan! The second photos are their more creative work. Hair by Almog. Makeup on Dahlia by Yurika and on Sadaf by Haruna

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